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Where can I find AP English Literature essay samples to practice with?

Hey guys, I'm looking to up my game for the AP English Lit exam, and I feel like analyzing some high-scoring essay samples would help. Does anyone know where I could find some official or teacher-approved samples to learn from? Really want to get a feel for what the exam graders are expecting.

a year ago

Hello! It's wonderful that you're seeking out resources to improve your essay-writing skills for the AP English Lit exam. For official high-scoring samples, I recommend checking out the College Board website, as they publish exemplary responses from past exams. These include student essays with scores and commentary that can be incredibly helpful in understanding the grading criteria.

Another valuable resource is AP Central's 'AP English Literature and Composition Exam' page, which offers a variety of past exam questions alongside sample responses and scoring guidelines. This will not only give you a sense of high-quality writing but also show you how the exam scorers justify the scores they award.

Remember to pay close attention to the thesis statements and how the students structure their arguments, as these are key components of a successful AP essay. Additionally, discussing past essays with your AP Lit teacher could provide further insights and personalized advice on improving your writing. Good luck with your practice!

a year ago

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