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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

SAT equivalent for a 29 ACT ?

Quick question, guys: What's the SAT equivalent of a 29 ACT score? I'm trying to gauge my position compared to other students and figuring out where I stand for colleges that require SAT scores.

9 months ago

Hello there! That's an excellent question, especially when trying to understand your competitive stance. An ACT score of 29 roughly translates to an SAT score between 1330 and 1350. Each testing agency has a concordance table that correlates scores from one test to the other. If you're looking into schools that require SAT scores and you've only taken the ACT, you can use this conversion as a guideline when assessing your eligibility or deciding whether you might want to take the SAT as well. Good luck with your college preparations!

9 months ago

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