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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

How detailed should the awards section in the Common App be?

Got a couple of local and state level awards, and I'm not sure how to describe them concisely in the Common App awards section. Any tips on what details are important to include?

a year ago

The awards section of your Common App is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your accomplishments. For local and state-level awards, it's important to provide context that highlights the significance of each award. Start with the award name, followed by the level (local, state), and the date you received it. Briefly explain the criteria for the award — was it for academic achievement, community service, athletic skill, etc.? If an award is particularly selective or prestigious, make a note of that as well. Remember, this is a chance to give admissions officers insight into your achievements without going overboard with detail. Quantify your achievements if possible: 'First place out of X participants,' or 'Selected as one of Y recipients statewide' helps them understand the level of competition and prestige. Keep it concise, clear, and relevant!

a year ago

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