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Prepping for AP Japanese test stress?

Hello folks, I'm currently prepping for the AP Japanese test and feeling a smidge overwhelmed with the kanji and grammar components. Anyone have strategies for tackling this beast or resources that helped you get through it?

a year ago

Hello there! I understand that preparing for the AP Japanese exam can be quite challenging, especially with the intricate aspects of kanji and grammar. One effective strategy is to create a study schedule that dedicates specific times to focus on each component. Try to immerse yourself as much as possible in the language by watching Japanese films or anime with subtitles turned off, reading Japanese literature or news online, and speaking with native speakers if possible.

For resources, I'd highly recommend utilizing the materials provided by the College Board, as they give you an understanding of what to anticipate on the exam. Additionally, online platforms such as CollegeVine offer practice questions and community advice that you might find useful. Don't forget to practice previous years' AP tests if you can get your hands on them. This practice will help you get a feel for the test format and the kinds of questions you can expect. Most importantly, remember to take regular breaks and maintain a balanced routine to avoid burnout. Best of luck on your exam!

a year ago

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