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What happens if my AP exams get cancelled?

I heard that sometimes AP exams can get cancelled or postponed. If that does happen, what's the usual protocol? Will we be given a new date or do we go straight to makeup exams? Just a bit stressed thinking of the what-ifs right now.

a year ago

Hey there! I understand that the possibility of cancellations can be unsettling. If an AP exam is cancelled, the College Board typically schedules a makeup exam date. This usually occurs within a few weeks of the original date. The reason for the cancellation can influence the rescheduling; it could be due to weather, a power outage, or other unforeseen circumstances. Your school's AP Coordinator will notify you and other students with the new date and any additional instructions.

It's rare that exams get completely cancelled without a makeup option unless there’s an extraordinary situation. If you're concerned, stay in close contact with your AP Coordinator and teachers, who'll have the most up-to-date information. Try not to let the 'what-ifs' get to you too much. Just keep prepping as you have been, and you'll adapt to whatever the situation may be. It's great that you're seeking information ahead of time, ensuring you're prepared for all outcomes! Keep up the good work, and don’t hesitate to ask your AP Coordinator or teachers if you have more questions as the exam approaches.

a year ago

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