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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Which calculators are prohibited on the ACT?

Hey guys, is there an easy way to know which calculators are banned from the ACT? I have a couple and want to make sure I bring one that's allowed.

a year ago

The ACT has a straightforward policy about which calculators are prohibited during the test. You'll want to avoid any calculator that has a built-in or downloaded computer algebra system. Common examples of these are the TI-89, TI-92, and the TI-Nspire CAS—'CAS' stands for 'Computer Algebra System.' Also, you can't use models with a QWERTY keyboard, like the TI-92, or models that need an electrical outlet, make noise, or have a paper tape. Calculators with a 'C' in their model name, indicating that they are capable of using the camera to capture, solve, or do any sort of problems, are not permissible. Additionally, using calculators on phones or other electronic devices with internet access is strictly prohibited.

To ensure you've got an approved calculator, check the ACT's official website, as they have a list of all permitted calculators. And it's always a good idea to bring spare batteries just in case, but leave the backup calculator at home unless it also complies with the ACT's calculator policy. Best of luck on your ACT!

a year ago

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