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Help logging into FAFSA as a parent?

My parent is trying to log into the FAFSA to help me with the signature part, but we're not sure how to properly do it. What steps do they need to follow, and what information do they need? Is there any way to troubleshoot if they encounter login issues? Any help would be great!

28 days ago

To assist with your FAFSA form and provide the necessary signature, your parent needs to create an FSA ID, which is made up of a username and password. Here are the steps to create an FSA ID:

1. Head to the FSA ID page on the official Federal Student Aid website.

2. Click the "Create Account" button.

3. Fill in all of your parent's personal information. Note: it's important that the information they use when creating their FSA ID account matches up with their social security card.

4. Pick a username and password. The password should contain at least eight characters that includes at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number.

5. Confirm your parent's email address. It is recommended to use a unique email address that hasn't been used with the Federal Student Aid system before.

6. Lastly, your parent will have to choose four security questions and provide answers. This aids in the recovery process in case of a forgotten username or password.

Once the FSA ID is established, your parent can use it to electronically sign your FAFSA form. It's important to remember that FSA ID password and username combinations are unique to each individual and cannot be transferred or shared. Therefore, both you and your parent will need separate FSA IDs.

If there are login issues, your parent can select "Forgot My Username" or "Forgot My Password" on the FSA ID site, which prompts the security question process for recovery. In more complex scenarios, they might need to contact Federal Student Aid directly.

Remember to store the FSA ID details securely since they will require it for renewing the FAFSA each academic year or when interacting further with Federal Student Aid.

28 days ago

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