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How many students generally attend an HBCU?

I'm trying to understand the scale and community size of HBCUs. Can someone give me an idea of how many students are typically enrolled in an HBCU?

a year ago

Hey there! You're asking a great question about the student population at HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities). The size of HBCUs can vary quite a bit, but many are mid-sized institutions. For example, Howard University, one of the more well-known HBCUs, has around 9,000 students. This is fairly representative of many of the HBCUs. On the smaller end, you might have institutions like Morehouse College with around 2,200 students. On the other hand, there are larger HBCUs, such as North Carolina A&T State University with over 12,000 students.

The scale and size can affect the community feel, with smaller schools often offering a more close-knit environment, while larger institutions might provide a broader array of resources and opportunities. It's important while researching to look at each specific institution's enrollment numbers to get a clear idea of their community size, as this will give you the best sense of each school's atmosphere and what to expect. You can usually find this information on the school's official website or by reaching out directly to their admissions office. Good luck with your search!

a year ago

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