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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is AP Lang as tough as they say?

Yo, juniors and seniors! I'm considering taking AP Lang next year, but I keep hearing mixed things about its difficulty level. Anyone here willing to share their experiences or tips for surviving the course with their GPA intact?

a year ago

Hi there! Glad you're thinking about challenging yourself with AP courses. AP English Language and Composition can indeed be a tough class, but much of it depends on your skills coming in. It requires solid writing and critical reading skills. You'll analyze texts from various genres and time periods to understand the author's argument and the techniques they used to build it. If you've done well in past English classes and enjoy writing and analysis, you might find it demanding but manageable.

A tip for keeping your GPA up is to stay on top of your reading and assignments. Don't let them pile up! Also, take advantage of any study resources offered by your school, like tutoring sessions or study groups. And practice! There are plenty of practice exams and essay prompts available that can help you prepare for both the course work and the AP exam. Best of luck!

a year ago

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