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Advice for Applying to the Dell Scholars Program?

I'm thinking about applying for the Dell Scholars Program since I've heard it offers not only financial assistance but also a ton of support throughout college. Does anyone have experience with the application process for this scholarship?

I'm particularly interested in any tips for the essays and what kinds of experiences or qualities they value most in candidates. Also, any advice on how to effectively demonstrate resilience and determination, which I believe are key factors they consider?

a month ago

Sure, happy to share some advice on your application to the Dell Scholars Program. This program is incredibly holistic and aims to understand the full breadth of a student's life experiences and challenges, not just their academic achievement.

Consider these pointers as you embark on your journey:

1. Academic Preparedness: Even though GPAs are not everything, it does matter. The program typically looks for an overall 'B' grade in your high school subjects. You should take rigorous courses to demonstrate that you are prepared for college-level work.

2. First-generation or Low-Income Identity: The Dell Scholars Program values students who are the first in their families to attend college or come from low-income households. If applicable, highlight your financial need or discuss the unique perspectives and motivations you bring from your experiences.

3. Demonstrate Grit: One of the key themes for the Dell Scholars Program is "grit." Think about examples where you've shown resilience and determination, despite facing obstacles or setbacks. Maybe you balanced school work with caring for your siblings or a part-time job, or perhaps you were able to increase your grades significantly after a rough freshman year.

4. Participation in Approved College Readiness Program: They require that you have participated in a Dell Scholars-approved college readiness program for a minimum of two years. If you haven't been part of such a program, then the scholarship might not be a fit.

5. Essays: For the essays, avoid generic and clichéd narratives. The program representatives have probably heard those too many times to count. Instead, share personal stories of how you've navigated adversity. They don't necessarily have to be 'grand' stories - everyday challenges and how you learn from them can be equally impactful.

6. Community Service: If you've done any notable community service, make sure to highlight it. It's valuable to show your connection with your community and your willingness to give back.

7. Plan for the Future: Share your specific academic and career goals and why they matter to you. This shows the program that you possess foresight and determination, both of which are qualities that the scholarship values.

Remember, authenticity is crucial. Don't inflate or make up experiences. The goal is to represent yourself honestly and show that you won't let obstacles deter you from achieving your dreams. Good luck!

a month ago

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