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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Torn between AP Bio and AP Chem for next year. Thoughts?

Rising senior here, and I have to choose between AP Bio and AP Chem for next year. I'm good at science, but not sure which one colleges would prefer or which one’s better for a pre-med track. Any advice?

a year ago

Hey there! It's awesome that you're considering your course load carefully—especially with an eye towards a pre-med track. Both AP Biology and AP Chemistry are rigorous courses that colleges will look upon favorably, so there's no 'wrong' choice here. If you're thinking about pre-med, it's useful to know that both biology and chemistry are foundational to medical studies. AP Bio might give you a strong background in understanding complex biological systems and is often considered essential knowledge for the MCAT and medical school. On the other hand, AP Chemistry tends to focus more on the principles of chemistry that also play a significant role in understanding how medications work and the body's biochemical processes.

My advice would be to reflect on which subject you enjoy more or which plays to your strengths. Maybe chat with the teachers for both subjects and see what topics will be covered—you might find one more appealing than the other. Additionally, consider your entire senior year course load; you'll want to maintain a balance so you can excel in all your classes. Both courses are excellent preparations for a pre-med track, so go with the one that you'll be most engaged with and that fits well with your other commitments!

a year ago

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