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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Translating a 1400 PSAT to an SAT Score?

I've just scored a 1400 on the PSAT and I am wondering what this translates to in SAT terms. Should I keep the same study habits or are there specific strategies for boosting an already decent score?

a year ago

Congratulations on your 1400 PSAT score—that's an excellent result! A PSAT score of 1400 is roughly equivalent to an SAT score of approximately 1430-1460, as the PSAT is slightly easier and scored on a different scale. However, while the PSAT is a good indicator of how you'll perform on the SAT, the two tests do have differences, particularly in length and difficulty of some sections.

To boost your SAT score even further, I would recommend honing your test-taking strategies and focusing on the question types or sections where you can pick up the most additional points. This could involve timed practice sections, analyzing each mistake to understand why it happened, or even focusing on vocabulary and math formulas that are specifically more challenging on the SAT. Since your score is already strong, it's about refining rather than overhauling your study habits. Best of luck as you prepare for the SAT—you're definitely on the right track!

a year ago

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