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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How tough are AP classes really?

I want to challenge myself but I'm also worried about overloading. Can anyone share their experiences with AP class difficulty and how you managed stress and school balance?

9 months ago

I completely understand your concern about finding that balance. When my child was in high school, they took several AP classes. What I noticed was that difficulty can vary significantly depending on the subject, the teacher, and your strengths. AP Calculus was a beast due to its pace and depth, whereas AP Psychology was more manageable content-wise but had a lot of reading. Ultimately, while AP classes are more challenging than regular classes, if you are interested in the topic it shouldn't be too much of an additional burden.

My child found regular communication with teachers and a structured study schedule indispensable for staying on top of the workload. Waiting until the last minute to study was a recipe for stress, so a little bit of consistent effort each night was key. And remember, it's essential to keep time for relaxation and social activities - all work and no play can really take a toll on your well-being. Look for a balanced schedule where you can explore your interests deeply but still enjoy your high school years.

9 months ago

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