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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Do colleges notice if you're in the 99th percentile for the PSAT?

The results came out and I'm in the 99th percentile for the PSAT. Does this give me any significant advantage in college admissions, and should I mention this in my application?

a year ago

Congratulations on scoring in the 99th percentile for the PSAT! That is a remarkable achievement and can indeed be beneficial in the admissions process. Your PSAT score indicates that you're likely to perform well on the SAT, which colleges look closely at. Being in the 99th percentile qualifies you as a National Merit Semifinalist, which is an excellent addition to your application and can be mentioned in the honors section.

Colleges do take note of this distinction as it reflects both your academic potential and test-taking skills. Make sure to maintain this momentum for the SAT or ACT to stay competitive, particularly if you're aiming for top-tier colleges. Also, capitalize on this academic strength by excelling in your coursework and pursuing rigorous classes, as your overall academic performance is what admissions officers will review most closely. Your PSAT score can serve as a springboard for showcasing a varied and compelling academic profile, so don't hesitate to highlight it within the context of your broader academic achievements.

Best of luck with your college applications and continue to build on this success!

a year ago

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