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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Preparing for Stanford Alumni Interviews

Hey guys, just got the email that I’ll be having my Stanford alumni interview soon! Any tips on how to prepare? What kind of questions should I expect, and how formal should I be?

a year ago

Hello there! Congratulations on securing your Stanford alumni interview—it's a fantastic opportunity to show more of your personality and interest in the school. When preparing, think about reflecting on your academic interests, extracurricular activities, and what you hope to gain from your college experience. Be ready to articulate why Stanford specifically stands out to you and how you see yourself contributing to their community.

In terms of questions, expect a mix—some might ask about your academic achievements and interests while others will be more personal, like your hobbies or challenges you've overcome. You may also be asked about your favorite books or current events, so it's helpful to be up-to-date on a variety of topics. As for formality, aim for business casual attire, and while the tone can be conversational, always maintain a level of professionalism.

Remember to also have some thoughtful questions prepared to ask your interviewer about their own Stanford experience. This shows your genuine interest and curiosity about what you could expect as a student. Moreover, be yourself and let your enthusiasm for Stanford shine through naturally. Good luck—you're going to do great!

a year ago

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