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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are some high paying career paths for econ majors?

Hey everyone! I'm seriously considering majoring in economics but I want to make sure that there are good job prospects after I graduate. Could anyone share what some of the best paying jobs are for economics majors, ideally ones that value the skills you learn in the degree?

9 months ago

Hello! It's great to see you're exploring your future career options in accordance with your interest in economics. An economics degree can open doors to a variety of fulfilling and high-paying roles. Many econ majors find successful careers in finance, such as investment banking, where they apply economic principles to guide trading strategies and manage financial assets. Corporate finance roles like financial analysts or advisors also value econ grads for their ability to analyze market trends and advise on investment decisions.

Another lucrative field is consulting, where econ majors leverage their analytical skills to solve business problems and improve efficiency for clients. Additionally, government and public policy positions often seek the expertise of economics majors to analyze data and develop policy recommendations. On the international front, roles like international trade analysts are well-compensated and allow you to apply economic theories on a global scale. And let's not forget the potential of becoming an economist, either in the private sector or for a governmental body, where you can directly apply your academic expertise. These are just a few options, and the skills you gain from an economics degree are widely applicable and valuable across many industries.

9 months ago

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