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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does my weighted GPA matter more than my unweighted for college admissions?

Hey everyone, navigating through junior year and trying to keep my head above water with these classes. I've been trying to figure out - do colleges care more about weighted GPA because it shows the rigor of the courses you take, or do they look at unweighted because it's standard across the board? Any insights would be really helpful since I'm taking a bunch of APs and honors courses and wondering how it'll be evaluated.

a year ago

Hello there! I totally understand where you're coming from – junior year can be intense, especially with a heavy load of APs and honors courses. In college admissions, both your weighted and unweighted GPAs matter, but they're used to evaluate different aspects of your academic profile.

Your unweighted GPA offers a straightforward measure of your overall grades without additional points for tougher courses, providing colleges with a baseline to compare all students fairly. On the other hand, your weighted GPA reflects the challenge level of your curriculum, which admissions officers look at to assess your readiness for college-level work. Colleges tend to consider your weighted GPA in the context of course rigor, ensuring that they recognize and value the extra effort you put into taking advanced classes.

For instance, a student with a slightly lower weighted GPA, but who took more difficult classes, might be viewed more favorably than one with a higher unweighted GPA from easier coursework. The key is balance – you want to maintain strong grades (reflected in your unweighted GPA) while also challenging yourself academically (as shown by your weighted GPA). Remember, though, that this is just one part of your application, and schools will look at everything from test scores to extracurriculars to get a full picture of who you are as a student and person. Keep up the good work with those challenging courses!

a year ago

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