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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Understanding the GPA conversion system

Hey everyone, feeling a bit confused here. How exactly does the GPA converter work when applying to colleges? I'm trying to figure out how my grades translate into the 4.0 scale that colleges often refer to.

a year ago

Hello there! The GPA conversion can indeed be a bit tricky, but I'm happy to explain. Different high schools can have varying grading scales – some use a 4.0 scale, others use a 5.0 scale for AP or IB classes, while some may even use a 100-point scale. Conversion to a 4.0 scale means aligning your GPA to the scale most commonly used by U.S. colleges.

In a standard conversion, an A or A+ generally equals 4.0, a B is around 3.0, a C is around 2.0, and so on. For more rigorous classes like Honors, AP, or IB, there is typically a 'weight' added. For example, an A in an AP class might be a 5.0 on your high school scale, but it would likely be translated to a 4.0 when converted. Many high schools also provide a weighted and an unweighted GPA.

The best way to understand how your specific grades translate is to check if your high school provides a conversion chart or to speak with your school counselor. They can often provide a precise conversion based on the particulars of your school's grading system.

a year ago

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