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Any cool art competition ideas for a high school portfolio?

Hey guys, I've been working on my art portfolio and thinking about how to make it stand out for college applications. Does anyone have suggestions for unique art competition themes or ideas suitable for high school students that would look impressive in a college portfolio?

a year ago

Hello! It's wonderful to see you're actively thinking about enhancing your art portfolio. Competitions can certainly add a layer of distinction to your work. A unique idea might be to organize a community art project or competition that addresses a local issue, which showcases not only your creativity but also your community involvement and leadership skills. Another idea is to look for competitions that align with social justice, as they often prompt original thought and show engagement with current events. Competitions like the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards are well-regarded and offer several categories for submission.

Remember, authenticity in your work will stand out. Taking a risk in your art by utilizing unconventional mediums or integrating technology, like digital art or mixed media, could also distinguish your portfolio. While winning in competitions adds prestige, the quality and originality of your work are what truly shine in a college application. Ensure that your portfolio reflects who you are as an artist and individual. Best of luck with your art journey!

a year ago

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