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Struggling to answer Amherst's supplement essay prompt!

Hey everyone, I'm a junior getting a head start on my college essays and I'm kinda losing my mind over the Amherst supplement. Can anyone share tips on how to approach it or what the admission officers might be looking for? I want to stand out but don't even know where to start!

a year ago

Hey there! I totally understand how overwhelming college essays can feel, especially when you're aiming to make an impression on a school like Amherst. The key is to show them who you are beyond your grades and test scores. For their supplement, focus on creativity and depth of thought. Amherst values students who can think critically and contribute unique perspectives. Choose a prompt that resonates with your experiences and interests, and then dig deep.

For example, if you decide to write about a quote that has influenced your perspective, don't just explain it - illustrate its impact on your life through vivid examples and reflections on why it matters to you. Show how it has shaped your views, decisions, or actions. Your essay should offer a window into your personal values or an intellectual curiosity that excites you. Remember, this is your chance to have a conversation with the admissions team, so make it count by letting your authentic voice come through and writing about something that genuinely excites or challenges you. If you've had a unique experience or you've been committed to an intellectual or community endeavor, this is a perfect time to talk about it!

Take your time, be yourself, and good luck!

a year ago

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