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What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

What exactly does 'acceptance rate' indicate about a college?

Hey everyone, I'm trying to make sense of college stats, and I keep seeing 'acceptance rate' mentioned. Could someone explain what acceptance rate really means for a college? Like, does a lower rate mean the college is necessarily better, or is there more to it?

a year ago

Hello! The 'acceptance rate' is the percentage of applicants that a college or university admits. For example, if a college receives 10,000 applications and admits 1,000 students, that would be an acceptance rate of 10%. While a lower acceptance rate often suggests a college is more selective, which can correlate with prestige and competitive programs, it doesn't inherently mean the college is 'better' in terms of quality of education or the right fit for every student. It's key to consider other factors like program strength, campus culture, and personal preferences when assessing schools.

It's also useful to remember that some schools may have a lower acceptance rate due to a large number of applicants, not necessarily because they are remarkably more selective in their admissions process. It's always good practice to look beyond acceptance rates when evaluating colleges.

a year ago

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