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How's HBCU Representation in the NFL?

Hey, I'm a junior and a huge football fan. I'm also considering an HBCU for college. I'm curious, have there been many players from HBCUs that made it to the NFL recently?

a year ago

Hi there! It's always cool to hear about someone interested in both football and HBCUs. Historically, HBCUs have provided a strong talent pool for the NFL, with legendary players like Jerry Rice and Michael Strahan making it big. These days, while the numbers aren't as high as they used to be, HBCU representation is still there.

You might not see a huge number of recent draft picks straight out of HBCUs, but there are certainly players who have made their mark. For instance, Darius Leonard from South Carolina State University has been a phenomenal player for the Indianapolis Colts. Also, Tytus Howard from Alabama State was selected in the first round of the 2019 NFL Draft by the Houston Texans. Plus, with events like the HBCU Combine, there’s definitely a spotlight on the talent at these schools. So, while HBCU athletes might be a bit underrepresented compared to the bigger programs, the talent is definitely noticed!

a year ago

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