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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Experience with the BofA Student Leaders program?

Is anyone here a previous or current BofA Student Leader? I've heard it looks great on college apps but I’m looking for personal experiences – what was the application like, and how did it benefit you personally and academically?

a year ago

The BofA Student Leaders program is indeed a fantastic opportunity and looks impressive on college applications, as it reflects leadership, commitment, and social awareness. From what students have shared with me, the application requires a demonstration of your community involvement and leadership experience. Essays and recommendation letters play a significant role as well.

Those who were selected in the past mentioned that the paid summer internship at a local nonprofit and the week-long summit in Washington D.C. provided valuable real-world experience, and the chance to build a network with like-minded peers. Personally, they found it to be a memorable and enriching experience that gave them insights into their career aspirations and, academically, it reinforced the importance of public service and community engagement, often strengthening their college essays and interviews. Even if you aren't selected, the process of applying can be a valuable exercise in articulating your achievements and goals, so I would definitely recommend giving it a try.

a year ago

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