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What's the significance of the 'Talking Out The Side Of Your Neck' tradition in HBCU culture?

I've heard that the song 'Talking Out The Side Of Your Neck' is a big deal at HBCU marching band performances. Could someone explain the tradition behind it and why it's important in the HBCU experience?

a year ago

The song 'Talking Out The Side Of Your Neck,' originally by the band Cameo, is indeed a staple in the tradition of HBCU (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) marching band performances. Its significance is multifaceted.

For one, HBCU bands are known for their high-energy shows that often blend popular music with intricate choreography, and this song's rhythmic brass and call-and-response structure make it a perfect fit for the HBCU band style. Additionally, the song has become a symbol of the pride and competitive spirit among HBCU bands, often played to rally up the crowd and showcase the band's skill. It's a part of the larger HBCU culture that celebrates not just musical excellence but also a sense of community, resilience, and cultural heritage.

'Talking Out The Side Of Your Neck' has become an anthem of sorts that represents these values and contributes to the unique and vibrant atmosphere of HBCU football games and other events where the marching band performs.

a year ago

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