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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Which high school clubs would colleges like to see on applications?

Junior here, trying to plan for senior year. Wondering which clubs or activities are best to join that could improve my college application? I want to pick wisely since I have limited time.

a year ago

Your initiative to prioritize your extracurricular involvement is commendable. However, there is no 'perfect club' to impress admissions committees with. When it comes to picking clubs, it's far more important that you are pursuing and demonstrating your genuine interests and how they align with potential career or college majors.

For instance, joining the debate club could be beneficial if you're interested in law or politics, showcasing your engagement with public speaking and critical thinking. If you're leaning towards STEM, a robotics or science club can demonstrate your hands-on experience with technology and research. It's also valuable to seek leadership roles within these clubs; for example, becoming an officer or leading a project.

Remember that the quality of your involvement is more crucial than quantity. Engaging deeply in a few clubs where you can make substantial contributions, bring about change, or organize significant events will stand out to admissions officers more than mere membership in many. Colleges are looking for your ability to commit and contribute meaningly over time, so choose clubs where you can see yourself doing that.

Finally, if you find gaps in your interests and the clubs available, consider starting your own. Founding a club can really distinguish yourself and is an excellent way to demonstrate leadership, initiative, and passion.

a year ago

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