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Navigating automatic scholarships - how do they work?

Could someone explain how automatic scholarships work? I've heard some colleges offer them based on GPA or test scores, but I'm a little confused about the process and criteria. Also, are they usually stackable with other scholarships?

a year ago

Automatic scholarships are usually merit-based, meaning they're given based on academic achievements like GPA or standardized test scores. Each college that offers these will have specific criteria, often clearly outlined on their admissions or financial aid website. For example, a college might offer $2000 per year to incoming freshmen with a GPA of 3.5 or above, or a certain SAT/ACT score. These scholarships are typically renewed annually provided the student maintains a certain GPA.

As for stackability, it varies by institution. Some schools allow automatic scholarships to be combined with other awards, which could be based on financial need, other merit criteria, or specific talents. However, others might have a cap on the total amount of institutional aid you can receive. It's critical to check the policy at each college you're interested in. Note that external scholarships, ones not provided by the college, nearly always can stack on top of automatic scholarships.

Remember to look out for priority deadlines as well, because some automatic scholarships are only available if you apply by a certain date. Be proactive and always verify details with the financial aid offices of the colleges you're considering.

a year ago

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