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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Withdrawing from an AP Exam - How Does That Work?

Feeling a bit stressed here... I think I might've overcommitted by signing up for multiple AP exams. Is there a way to cancel an AP test before the exam date or is it too late? Do I get a refund, and how would it affect my college applications?

9 months ago

Hello there! First off, breathe easy; it's definitely possible to withdraw from an AP test before the exam. Reach out to your school's AP coordinator to let them know you want to cancel an exam. There is typically a cancellation fee, which means you won't get a full refund, but you'll be able to recoup some of the cost. The fee can vary year by year, so check with your coordinator for the exact amount.

Now, regarding how it impacts college applications, the truth is, it generally doesn't. You're not obligated to report AP exam participation or scores on your college applications if you choose not to. However, schools do value seeing that you've challenged yourself with rigorous coursework. If you're still enrolled in the AP class and maintaining a good grade, that's what's most important. Colleges will never know you signed up and then withdrew from an exam unless you choose to tell them. Focus on excelling in the remaining AP classes and exams you feel confident about. It’s always better to perform well in a few than to stretch yourself too thin across many.

9 months ago

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