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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Should I report my class rank as weighted or unweighted for colleges?

Kind of stressed here — I've got the option to report my class rank as either weighted or unweighted, and I'm lost. Which is more beneficial when it comes to college admissions? Do colleges have a preference?

a year ago

Understanding the difference between weighted and unweighted class rank and how to report it can indeed be confusing. Typically, colleges look at class rank as a metric to understand how you perform academically in the context of your specific high school environment. If your weighted rank is higher due to challenging courses like AP or IB classes, reporting the weighted rank can be advantageous as it reflects the rigor of your academic coursework. On the other hand, if your unweighted rank is better, it might seem appealing as it represents a clearer picture of your performance without the additional points for harder courses.

However, keep in mind that colleges recalibrate all GPAs and ranks to their standards to measure applicants equally, so the impact might not be as significant as expected. My recommendation is to report the rank that puts you in a more favorable light while ensuring that it aligns with your transcript and coursework details. For instance, if your school generally reports weighted rank and it reflects the academic rigor of your classes, then go with that. Rest assured that colleges will consider your whole profile, including course difficulty, in their review process.

a year ago

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