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SAT: 720 math
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What exactly is a full ride scholarship and what does it cover?

I've come across the term 'full ride scholarships' a lot during my college search, and it sounds amazing! But I want to make sure I really understand what a full ride entails. Does it cover just tuition, or does it include other expenses like housing, meals, and books too? Any insights or personal experiences would be awesome!

4 months ago

A full ride scholarship is a type of financial aid awarded to students that typically covers the entire cost of college. This means not only tuition, but also other expenses that are included in the cost of attendance (COA), which is an estimate provided by each college of what a year at that school might cost based on various factors.

The COA usually includes:

- Tuition and fees: This is the cost of your classes and administrative services.

- Room and board: This refers to on-campus housing and meal plans, but if you choose to live off-campus, you're still expected to use the money toward your housing and food costs.

- Books and supplies: This can refer to textbooks and other materials needed for classes.

- Personal expenses: This could include things like toiletries, clothes, or course-specific supplies that are not covered under "books and supplies."

- Travel: This is typically an allowance for traveling to and from the college, usually during holiday breaks.

Keep in mind that the specifics of what a full ride covers can sometimes vary depending on the particular scholarship and the institution offering it. For instance, some full-ride scholarships might also include a stipend for extracurricular activities or research opportunities.

Getting a full ride scholarship is a huge accomplishment that can greatly reduce your financial burden, but they are also extremely competitive. They usually require a high level of academic achievement or exceptional skills in areas such as sports or arts. So, don't forget to focus on other types of financial aid as well, including grants, scholarships with smaller amounts, work-study programs, and loans if necessary.

Bear in mind, even with a full ride, there may be some unexpected costs along the way, so having a personal budget and some savings is always a good idea!

4 months ago

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