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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Why Are Mandatory College Courses Required, and How Do They Affect Your Degree Path?

I've been looking into different college degree programs, and I've noticed that many have mandatory courses that all students need to take, regardless of their major. I'm wondering why these courses are required and what their purpose is in a college education.

How do these mandatory courses fit into your degree path, and do they significantly impact your ability to take classes you're more interested in? I want to make sure I know what to expect as I plan my college journey.

25 days ago

Mandatory college courses, often called core curriculum or general education requirements, serve multiple important purposes in a college education.

First, they help to ensure that students receive a well-rounded, diverse education, regardless of their majors. These classes usually cover a variety of subjects including math, science, humanities, and social sciences. The intent is to provide students with a comprehensive academic foundation, exposing them to different ways of thinking, equipping them with wide-ranging skills, and preparing them to navigate a diverse and complex society.

In addition, these mandatory courses can also fill gaps in a student's high-school education and make sure they have the necessary skills for their more major-specific classes. For instance, a required writing-intensive class will help students to build strong written communication skills, which are crucial in most fields.

These classes are usually taken primarily in the first year or two of college, so they will largely influence your initial years rather than your entire college journey. You’ll have increased flexibility as you proceed through your degree program, and there will be more room to focus on classes related to your major in your later years.

One potential impact of these required courses is that they may limit the number of electives you can take. But remember, that’s a trade-off for the broad grounding in different academic disciplines. Some students might even find a new area of interest through a general education course.

On the whole, these courses are a key part of the campus-wide learning objectives and play a crucial role in ensuring that students graduate with a broad base of knowledge, skills and perspectives that go beyond their specific major field of study. Do remember each college has different requirements, so I encourage you to explore these as you research your potential colleges!

25 days ago

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