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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

How should I approach the Columbia supplemental essays?

Columbia's essays seem super intense. Anyone have tips on how to tackle them, especially the 'Why Columbia' prompt? Really want to make my application stand out!

a year ago

When it comes to Columbia's 'Why Columbia' prompt, specificity is your best tool. You should research particular programs, classes, professors, extracurriculars, and unique opportunities that are specific to Columbia and connect them directly to your academic interests and career goals. Make it clear that you're not just looking for a prestigious Ivy League education but that Columbia offers unique features that align with your aspirations.

For example, if you're interested in urban studies, mention how being in New York City provides a living laboratory for your studies and cite specific urban studies classes or professors at Columbia that you're excited to learn from. Your ability to demonstrate a clear and intentional match between what Columbia offers and what you hope to achieve is crucial in making your application stand out. Finally, get feedback on your drafts, refine your essays for clarity and conciseness, and ensure your personality shines through. Authenticity combined with a clear demonstration of fit can make a strong impression.

a year ago

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