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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Retaking AP Tests - Can It Be Done?

So, what if you did poorly on an AP test – is retaking it an option? I want to improve my score because I think I can do better than I did the first time. Would a better score even matter to colleges since they've already seen the first one?

9 months ago

I understand your concern about your AP scores! However, AP exams are only offered once a year in May, so they cannot be retaken in the traditional sense like the SAT or ACT. If you're still in the class or self-studying, you could take the exam again next year. Keep in mind that colleges are more interested in the actual AP courses and grades on your transcript, which reflect your rigor and success over a period, not just on a single test day.

If you've done well in the course, that's what really matters. Moreover, AP scores play a relatively minor role in the admissions process. If you feel that the rest of your application is strong, it likely won't be a major issue. If you still want to showcase mastery in the subject, consider other options, such as taking a higher-level class in that subject area or demonstrating your interest and skills through an extracurricular project or related activity.

9 months ago

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