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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How can I gauge degree difficulty before choosing my major?

Nervous about picking a major that's too challenging for me. Does anyone have advice on how to find out degree difficulty before I decide?

a year ago

It's natural to have some anxiety about selecting a major, especially with concerns about the difficulty level. To get a handle on the rigor of various degree programs, I recommend starting with academic advisors at the colleges you're interested in. They can provide a syllabus or an overview of the required courses for a major, which can give you a sense of the workload and the complexity of the material.

Also, try to speak with current students or professors in the department to get firsthand accounts of their experiences. Another useful approach is to look at the course listings online and read the descriptions; sometimes, prerequisite chains can signal the difficulty level of advanced courses. Remember to take into account your strengths and interests, as these can make even challenging subjects more manageable.

Last but not least, don't be afraid to take a challenging major if it truly interests you. Colleges typically have robust support systems such as tutoring centers, study groups, and office hours to help students succeed. Choosing the right major is about balance; it should both stimulate and challenge you, but also be something you can manage with the support structures available.

a year ago

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