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Choosing a major: Are there reliable quizzes out there?

Feeling super uncertain about what to major in. Is it worth taking one of those ‘career major quizzes’ I keep seeing, or are they just for fun? If they are helpful, could you guys recommend any good ones?

9 months ago

Hello! I totally understand the uncertainty that comes with choosing a major—it's a big decision! Career major quizzes can serve as a starting point by suggesting fields that align with your interests and strengths. However, they shouldn't be the sole basis for your decision. It's important to remember that while these quizzes offer insights, they are more like tools for self-discovery rather than definitive answers.

If you're inclined to take a quiz, you might consider the ones provided by The Princeton Review or MyMajors. They have been known to be quite detailed and can be surprisingly insightful. After taking a quiz, I recommend researching the suggested majors further. Look into the course requirements, potential career paths, and consider how they align with your long-term goals. It's also a good idea to talk to people working in fields you're interested in, like reaching out to professionals for informational interviews or to your school's career guidance office.

Taking classes in a variety of subjects can also help you figure out what you enjoy and excel in. Plus, many colleges allow students to enter as 'Undeclared' or 'Undecided,' which gives you time to explore your interests before you have to commit to a major. So, use the quizzes as a tool, but also trust your experiences, reflect on your interests, and seek out advice from various resources to gain clearer insight into what path might be right for you.

9 months ago

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