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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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SAT Merit Scholarship Info Needed!

Hey, could use some help here. What's the deal with SAT scores and merit scholarships? Do certain scores guarantee scholarships, or is it more complicated than that?

a year ago

Hey there! Great question. When it comes to merit scholarships, many colleges and universities do use SAT scores as a part of their criteria — but it's not as simple as a certain score guaranteeing a scholarship. Each institution or scholarship fund may have different benchmarks for what they consider merit-worthy. Often, you'll find that some scholarships have a minimum SAT score requirement, while others use scores as one piece of a larger puzzle, which can also include GPA, extracurriculars, leadership experience, and other factors.

For example, a university might grant automatic scholarships to students who have a combined SAT score above a certain threshold, say 1400, along with a minimum GPA. However, even if your score is above that threshold, the amount of the scholarship can vary depending on how much higher your score is, the availability of funds, and the number of applicants that year.

It's important to research individual scholarship opportunities to understand their specific requirements. Make sure to check the websites of the colleges you're interested in and look into whether they offer merit aid and what their criteria are. Additionally, you can explore outside scholarships offered by private organizations, where the SAT might also play a role in their selection process. Just remember, deadlines are crucial for these opportunities, so keep a calendar and stay organized. Best of luck searching and applying for those scholarships!

a year ago

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