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How to apply to Harbor College?

I'm interested in attending Harbor College and want to make sure I apply correctly. Is there anything specific about their application process that I should be aware of?

21 days ago

If you're interested in applying to Harbor College, the application process is relatively straightforward and follows the standard protocol for many community colleges. Before you begin, it's crucial to note that Harbor College operates on a semester system with Fall and Spring terms, and shortened Winter and Summer sessions.

Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Submit an Online Application: Harbor College has an open admissions policy, meaning anyone who has graduated high school or earned a GED can attend. The application is completed online through the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) portal. You'll have to create an account and select Harbor College as your home institution.

2. Apply for Financial Aid: You can use the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or, for eligible California residents, the California Dream Act Application. Make sure to complete your financial aid application as early as possible to maximize your aid eligibility.

3. Send Transcripts: If you've earned credit at other colleges or universities, request official transcripts to be sent to Harbor College. You may be able to receive credit for previous work, shorten your time to degree, or meet prerequisite requirements for certain courses.

4. Complete Assessment/Placement Process: Depending on your major and placement scores, you may need to take placement tests. These will help determine appropriate starting levels in English, math, and certain programs. Be sure to prepare for this to ensure accurate placement.

5. Attend New Student Orientation: The orientation will guide you through campus resources, services, and key policies.

6. Meet with a Counselor and Develop an Education Plan: This one-on-one meeting will help you select courses and plan your academic path. It's beneficial to come to this meeting with a clear idea of your academic and career goals.

7. Register for Classes and Pay Tuition: Registration is done online through the LACCD portal. After registering, there will be a set deadline to pay your tuition and fees. Remember, you're not officially enrolled until this payment is made.

8. Buy Books and Supplies: Once registered, you should receive a list of required textbooks and supplies for your respective classes. You can usually buy or rent your textbooks from the college bookstore or online.

Remember, admissions procedures may vary depending on whether you're a first-time college student, a transfer student, an international student, or returning to college after a break. So, it's essential to follow the steps specific to your admission type. Good luck!

21 days ago

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