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SAT: 720 math
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What to expect for Wake Forest's supplemental essays?

I'm earnestly prepping my application for Wake Forest, and I heard they have some unique supplemental essays. Can anyone who's applied before shed some light on what kinds of prompts they generally ask and how creative I should get with my responses?

a year ago

Wake Forest does indeed have a reputation for more inventive and thought-provoking essay prompts. They often look for responses that reflect deep self-awareness and creativity, so it's your chance to shine apart from the numbers on your transcript. Their prompts might range from asking about a pivotal experience in your high school journey to your favorite book and why. They've even been known to ask about the intellectual and creative opportunities you seek in college. The key is to be authentic and allow your personality to come through.

Bring individuality and depth to your answers by providing examples or narratives that reveal your values and how you engage with the world. Ensure you're answering the prompt directly while maintaining a conversational tone that reflects your voice. Take time to brainstorm and draft multiple versions, seeking feedback from others to refine your message.

Remember, the admissions team at Wake Forest values the reflective and vibrant thinker, so give them a glimpse into how your mind works. With these essays, you're not just narrating your past; you are also painting a picture of the contribution you hope to make to their community.

a year ago

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