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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is community service a must for college apps?

Hey, quick question - how important are community service hours for high school students when applying to college? Do all colleges expect you to have them, or can I focus on my other extracurriculars instead?

a year ago

Community service is not a mandatory component of college applications, but it can be beneficial. Most colleges are looking for students who are engaged in their activities with genuine interest and commitment. If your other extracurriculars demonstrate strong leadership, achievement, or a particular passion, focusing your energy there could actually be more impactful.

For example, if you're heavily involved in the school's robotics team and have competed in national championships, that dedication reflects well on you. However, if you have the bandwidth to include some form of community service that aligns with your interests or academic goals, it can add another dimension to your application. It's about the value and depth of your extracurriculars rather than ticking off a box for community service.

If your schedule allows, consider how you might be able to integrate service in a way that complements your other activities and reflects what you're passionate about. Remember, colleges appreciate authenticity and a focused approach to extracurricular engagement.

a year ago

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