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Do final exam grades weigh in on the admission decision?

Quick question! Will colleges scrutinize my final exam grades when they're making their admissions decisions? I know GPA is super important, but just how much do final exams matter?

9 months ago

Final exam grades can contribute to your overall GPA, so in that sense, they do matter. However, it's worth clarifying that colleges typically assess your GPA on the basis of your final grade in each class, not based on the specific outcome of any individual assessment like a final exam. If your final exams significantly affect your final class grade, then yes, they could have an impact on your academic profile as viewed by admissions committees. One semester’s final might not sway an admissions decision heavily unless it drastically changes your grade in a class.

For instance, if you had a straight-A record and received a lower grade due to a final exam, that might warrant an additional look from an admissions officer if it seems out of character. On the other hand, consistent performance across the semester is generally more important than performance on a single test. If your school reports final exams as separate scores on your transcript, they could be reviewed for evidence of subject mastery, especially in core academic areas. Nonetheless, this is not typically the primary focus for admissions decisions, as your cumulative GPA and course rigor tend to be stronger indicators of your academic abilities.

9 months ago

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