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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Are B's considered good in college?

Okay, guys, I need some honesty here. I've always aimed for straight A's, but college seems like a whole new ball game. Are B’s actually pretty acceptable in college, or should I be concerned about the impact on my GPA?

a year ago

Earning B's in college is certainly not the end of the world, and it’s important to maintain perspective on your academic performance. B's are generally considered 'good' by most standards. Colleges understand that the academic environment is rigorous and getting straight A's isn't always feasible. However, the impact on your GPA and future opportunities can vary depending on your goals. If you’re aiming for highly competitive grad programs, fellowships, or certain job markets, maintaining a high GPA is crucial, and A's are more often expected.

On the other hand, if your field values experience and skills over GPA, a few B's are less likely to make a significant impact. More importantly, try to extract value from your classes beyond grades. Engaging deeply with the material and developing a strong understanding can be just as important for your future. Still, aim for the best grades possible, but also recognize that learning and intellectual growth are part of the collegiate experience. If B's are a trend and you’re concerned, reach out to your professors for feedback or assistance, utilize campus resources like tutoring centers, and work on time management skills to improve your study habits.

a year ago

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