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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Advice on choosing controversial topics for a persuasive speech?

Got a persuasive speech coming up and I'm trying to pick a controversial topic that stands out. Does anyone have ideas on how to choose a topic that's engaging but won't push things too far, especially since I might use this for college apps?

9 months ago

Selecting a topic for a persuasive speech that's both provocative and appropriate is a delicate balance. It's important to choose a topic you’re passionate about as it will come through in your writing and speaking. Consider current events and issues that resonate with you personally, and think about the different perspectives that people may have.

Remember to select a topic that allows you to showcase depth of thought, analytical skills, and the ability to consider various viewpoints. For college applications, admissions committees look for students who can engage with complex ideas thoughtfully and respectfully, so this is a great opportunity to demonstrate that.

Be cautious, however, not to choose a topic that is offensive or overly polarizing; it's usually best to avoid topics that might be considered in poor taste or insensitive. Whether you're addressing social issues, technological debates, or environmental concerns, it's essential to back up your arguments with solid research and to present them in a way that is informed and nuanced. Lastly, be aware of your audience and the setting. What might be seen as pushing boundaries in one context might be routine discourse in another. Good luck!

9 months ago

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