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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Understanding 'WGU' Stigma - Diploma Mill?

I’ve seen some conflicting opinions online and I'm just curious, what's the deal with WGU? I heard someone label it as a 'diploma mill', but is that true? Can anyone explain?

a year ago

Hey there! So, Western Governors University (WGU) often gets a mixed reputation, and I'll try to give you some clear information about it. WGU is an accredited online university, which means it has been vetted by organizations that assess the quality of education. Calling it a 'diploma mill' isn't accurate, as diploma mills are typically unaccredited institutions that offer degrees with little or no academic study. That's not the case with WGU.

WGU operates on a competency-based education model, which allows students to progress through courses as soon as they prove mastery of the subject matter, regardless of time, place, or pace of learning. This model can be particularly appealing to working adults or those who need flexibility in their education schedule. Now, because it's online and non-traditional, some people might question the rigor or prestige compared to more established, campus-based universities.

Whether a degree from WGU is the right choice depends on your career goals and the field you're entering. Some employers might value the skills and self-discipline that come with an online education, while others may be more hesitant. It's important to research the specific norms within your industry and perhaps even speak directly with potential employers or mentors about how WGU's degrees are perceived. It's all about the fit for your personal and professional objectives.

a year ago

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