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What are some strong debate topics for high school competitions?

Our high school debate team is prepping for nationals and we're brainstorming potential topics. What are some compelling and current debate topics that have worked well for you guys in the past?

a year ago

Congrats on making it to the nationals! Here are a few captivating debate topics that have proven to be well-received in the past. They're current and provide room for strong arguments on both sides. Keep in mind that it's important to ensure these topics align with your competition's format and expectations.

1. The impact of social media on mental health: Is social media causing more harm than good?

2. Climate change: To what extent should the government intervene to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?

3. Universal Basic Income: Would it be a viable solution to poverty and job displacement due to automation?

4. Student loan debt crisis: Should the US government cancel all federal student loan debt?

5. Artificial Intelligence: Should there be more regulation and ethical standards set for AI development?

These topics touch on key societal concerns and they provide plenty of research material from different points of view. When debating them, you'll be able to explore various aspects and showcase your team's analytical skills. Remember, it's crucial to give equal weight to both sides of the debate to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the issue. Good luck with your preparations!

a year ago

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