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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How can being half Asian half Middle Eastern impact my college application?

Hey guys, just wondering how should I address my ethnical background (half Asian half Middle Eastern) in my college applications? Is this something you think would stand out or should I focus more on other aspects like my extracurriculars?

a year ago

Hi there! Your unique background certainly has the potential to add a distinctive flavor to your application. However, it would be more beneficial to focus on how your multicultural heritage has shaped your experiences and personal growth. One way you could do this is by discussing specific instances or aspects of your life related to your diverse background in one of your essays.

That said, extracurricular activities also play a significant role in the college application process, so you should also focus on building a strong extracurricular profile. Aim to participate in meaningful activities that demonstrate your interests and passions.

Ultimately, while your diverse background is definitely something you will highlight, it won't take you across the finish line alone. Make sure you are still giving attention to other aspects of your application like extracurriculars, academics, and essays. Remember that college admissions officers are looking for well-rounded applicants who can contribute to their campus community in various ways. Best of luck with your applications!

a year ago

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