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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How challenging is a business degree, actually?

Considering business as a major, but I'm curious about the difficulty level. How hard is it to maintain a good GPA in a business program? Would love to hear perspectives from current business majors, especially if you're balancing other commitments.

9 months ago

Hey there! My child is currently pursuing a business major, and from their experience, the difficulty level depends on the particular courses and the individual's strengths. Some courses, like finance and statistics, can be quite challenging for those not comfortable with math, while management and marketing courses might align more with those who enjoy communication and teamwork. It's definitely doable to maintain a good GPA if you prioritize your time well and keep up with studying for exams and completing assignments.

My child is also involved in a few extracurricular activities, including a part-time job and some clubs on campus. Balancing academics with other commitments is possible, but requires effective time management and communication with professors if you need any help or accommodations. Overall, staying organized and focused can help you overcome any challenges of the business program. Good luck!

9 months ago

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