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How do cheer scholarships work and which colleges offer them?

I've been cheering for most of high school and am starting to look at colleges. I heard some schools offer cheer scholarships. What does it take to get one, and can you guys recommend any colleges known for their cheer programs?

9 months ago

Cheer scholarships are somewhat akin to other athletic scholarships; however, they're not as widely available as those for sports like football or basketball. Typically, colleges will offer them to individuals who demonstrate exceptional athletic skill and leadership within cheerleading. The scholarships can cover a portion or, in rare instances, all of your tuition, but often they may only cover expenses related to cheer, such as uniforms and travel for competitions.

To get one, you need to showcase your cheer skills, which usually involves tryouts or submitting a video of your performances and stunts. Strong academic records and leadership experience can also bolster your chances. Networking with coaches can be particularly important in cheer, as programs are often tight-knit communities.

As for colleges with notable cheer programs, the University of Kentucky is renowned for its cheerleading team. They've won numerous national championships and offer scholarships to their cheerleaders. Similarly, the University of Alabama and the University of Central Florida are known for their competitive cheer squads. It's worth noting that while many Division I schools might have competitive cheer programs, not all offer scholarships, so you'll need to do some digging. Start by identifying schools you're interested in for academics and then research their cheer programs to see if they offer scholarships. Be proactive in reaching out to coaches early in your junior year of high school to understand the recruitment process and scholarship availability.

9 months ago

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