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SAT: 720 math
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What is the Naval Academy Summer Seminar?

I'm considering applying for the Naval Academy Summer Seminar, and I'm curious about what the program is really like. Can someone share their experience or insights on what to expect? Is it a good step towards attending the academy?

22 days ago

The Naval Academy Summer Seminar (NASS) is typically a one-week program designed for high school juniors considering applying to the Naval Academy for their college education. It's an intensive and immersive program that aims to give attendees a taste of life at the academy, both academically and physically.

The program includes classes and lectures in subjects like math, science, and engineering, which mirrors the kind of rigorous academic curriculum you'd encounter as a midshipman. You'll get to experience sessions in a broad range of subjects, including, but not limited to, information technology, naval architecture, and oceanography.

There's also a heavy focus on physical fitness. Participants typically partake in physical training exercises each day, including—but not limited to—circuits, conditioning drills, and swimming. It's not unusual to kick off the day with an early morning workout!

In addition, you'll also get a taste of the military lifestyle. This includes learning about the customs and traditions of the Navy, understanding the honor code, and the moral and ethical expectations held for midshipmen.

While attending NASS can indeed be a good step towards attending the Naval Academy, it's important to note that admission to NASS does not guarantee acceptance into the Academy itself. Nonetheless, many find that attending NASS is beneficial in better understanding the environment at the academy and the commitment involved with attending, as well as in strengthening their application by showing a demonstrated interest in the Naval Academy.

Attending NASS can help you answer a couple of important questions, like are you comfortable with the level of rigor and discipline that's expected at the Naval Academy? Are you passionate about a future in the Navy? In essence, it's designed to see if you and the Academy are a good fit for each other.

22 days ago

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