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What does a plebe do at the Naval Academy?

I'm curious about what life is like as a plebe at the Naval Academy. What kind of activities and responsibilities do plebes have, and how does this experience prepare them for the future?

3 months ago

A plebe, or freshman, at the United States Naval Academy (USNA) has a number of responsibilities that are designed to prepare them for a future in the navy or marine corps. Experts often describe the plebe year as the most challenging but also the most transformative time at the academy.

To give you a picture of what a plebe does, here's a high-level look at the routine at the USNA:

1. Military Training: Plebes partake in mandatory military training that happens in the summer before the academic year, known as "Plebe Summer." This is a seven-week course intended to transition them from civilian to military life. They partake in drills and physical training, receive lectures on naval topics and military etiquette, learn military drills, and master basic seamanship.

2. Academic Coursework: Plebes take a regimented course schedule covering a variety of subjects. The USNA doesn't allow plebes to choose their courses; instead, the focus is on foundational knowledge that is deemed essential for naval officers. This includes courses in math, chemistry, english, naval history, and computer science.

3. Physical Fitness: Plebes are required to maintain their physical fitness through a number of ways, predominantly through intramural or varsity sports, and physical education classes.

4. Character Development: Ethical and moral development is also a key aspect of being a plebe. There are a series of events and training focused on character-building, along with honor concept classes and reinforcement.

5. Responsibilities: Plebes have daily responsibilities such as room and uniform inspection, muster, or carrying out orders from upperclassmen.

In terms of how this experience prepares them for the future, USNA provides rigorous academic instruction, military training, cultural and ethical education, professional development, and physical training to shape every midshipman into a well-rounded naval officer. By the time a plebe graduates from the academy, they are well-equipped not only with the skills and knowledge needed in the navy or marine corps, but also with the leadership, discipline, resilience and teamwork that are much valued in the civilian world. Please remember this is a generalized view and each individual's experience may differ.

3 months ago

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