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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Could participating in HOSA have a strong impact on my application?

I've been really involved in HOSA throughout high school and was wondering about how this looks from a college admissions perspective. Does being active in HOSA clubs and competitions give a boost to my application, especially if I'm aiming for a health-related major?

9 months ago

Being involved in HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) can definitely have a positive impact on your college application, particularly if you're considering a health-related major. Admissions officers appreciate the dedication and leadership qualities you demonstrate by participating in activities related to your future field of study.

Additionally, HOSA competitions showcase your skills and knowledge, which can help set you apart from other applicants. Remember that your level of involvement matters more than just membership. If you hold leadership positions, win awards at competitions, or organize events, these achievements contribute significantly to the strength of your extracurricular profile. Overall, your dedication to HOSA could be a strong asset if you convey your passion for health and how your experiences have contributed to your personal growth. Just make sure to balance your activities with other aspects of your application, such as your grades, essays, and recommendation letters.

9 months ago

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