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Struggling with Essay 1: Common App Prompt

I'm having a hard time deciding on a topic for my Common App essay (prompt 1). What are some tips for coming up with a meaningful story or experience? I don't want to seem too generic or cliché. Thank you!

a year ago

It's completely normal to feel overwhelmed when deciding on your Common App essay topic. One strategy is to take a step back and make a list of key moments or experiences in your life that have had a significant impact on you, shaped your values, or influenced your goals. Then, dive deeper into those experiences and try to find a unique, personal angle that could bring fresh insights to the admissions committee. Remember, the aim is not to narrate the event itself, but to show how it contributed to your development and why it was important to you.

When brainstorming, lean into your interests and passions –they often provide a natural starting point for a compelling essay. Make sure to stay away from cliché topics, such as sports victories, overcoming adversity in a predictable manner, or a standard immigrant experience. Instead, focus on creating an authentic, distinctive voice that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

Lastly, don't hesitate to seek feedback from teachers, family, or friends. They might be able to offer helpful suggestions or insights into your stories and experiences. Remember that drafting a meaningful essay may take time, so be patient and persistent. Good luck!

a year ago

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